Some literary devices that you should remember:
Dialogues - instead of narration, an author employs dialogues or conversations of two or more characters in the story.
Foreshadowing - the author gives a hint of a future event in the story.
Plot Twist- the expected direction or outcome of a story turns the other way around.
Ellipsis- omission of some parts of a story to let the readers guess what may have happened in the missing parts. This is based on Ernest Hemingway's Theory of Omission or Iceberg Theory.
Comic Book Death- another literary technique where important characters die only to re- appear to clear things.
Reverse Chronology - the story starts with the ending and slowly unravels how everything started.
In medias res- narration starts at the middle of the story and characters, setting and conflicts are introduced through flashback techniques.
Deus ex machina (God from the machine) - a plot device expounded by Horace in his "Ars Poetica" wherein conflicts are resolved through the intervention of an Absolute Hand.
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